2024 results
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Alonso Lopez (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Barry Baltus (BE)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Sergio Garcia (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 1
1st: Alonso Lopez (ES)
2nd: Barry Baltus (BE)
3rd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Fermin Aldeguer (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Joe Roberts (US)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 2
1st: Alonso Lopez (ES) 7 Points
2nd: Aron Canet (ES) 7 Points
3rd: Barry Baltus (BE) 6 Points
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Alonso Lopez (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Barry Baltus (BE)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Sergio Garcia (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 3
1st: Sergio Garcia (ES)
2nd: Joe Roberts (US)
3rd: Alonso Lopez (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Fermin Aldeguer (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Joe Roberts (US)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Manuel Gonzalez (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 4
1st: Joe Roberts (US)
2nd: Fermin Aldeguer (ES)
3rd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Ai Ogura (JP)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 5
1st: Sergio Garcia (ES)
2nd: Joe Roberts (US)
3rd: Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): AI Ogura (JP)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Jeremy Alcoba (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Jake Dixon(GB)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 6
1st: Sergio Garcia (ES)
2nd: Ai Ogura (JP)
3rd: Joe Roberts (US)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Joe Roberts (US)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Manuel Gonzalez (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Ai Ogura (JP)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 7
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
1st: Joe Roberts (US)
3rd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Ai Ogura (JP)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Somkiat Chantra (TH)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Tony Arbolino (IT)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 8
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Joe Roberts (US)
3rd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Fermin Aldeguer (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Ai Ogura (JP)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 9:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Joe Roberts (US)
3rd: Fermin Aldeguer (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Darryn Binder (SA)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 10:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
3rd: Joe Roberts (US)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Celestino Vietti (IT)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Alonso Lopez (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Jake Dixon (GB)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 12:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
3rd: Joe Roberts (US)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Deniz Oncu (TK)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Tony Arbolino (IT)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 12:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Jake Dixon (GB)
3rd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Ai Ogura (JP)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Tony Arbolino (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 13:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Jake Dixon (GB)
3rd: Sergio Garcia (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Celestino Vietti (IT)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Tony Arbolino (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 14:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Jake Dixon (GB)
3rd: Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Alonso Lopez (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Darryn Binder (SA)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 15:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Aron Canet (ES)
3rd: Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points):Ai Ogura (JP)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points):Manuel Gonzalez (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points):Somkiat Chantra (TH)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 16:
1st:Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Aron Canet (ES)
3rd: Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Fermin Aldeguer (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Senna Agius (AUS)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 17:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Aron Canet (ES)
3rd: Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Ai Ogura (JP)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Aron Canet (ES)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Somkiat Chantra (TH)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 18:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Aron Canet (ES)
3rd: Jake Dixon (GB)
Rider with most fan votes (7 Points): Jorge Navarro (ES)
Rider with second most fan votes (6 Points): Celestino Vietti (IT)
Rider with third most fan votes (5 Points): Izan Guevara (ES)
Triumph Triple Trophy Standings After Round 19:
1st: Ai Ogura (JP)
2nd: Aron Canet (ES)
3rd: Jake Dixon (GB)